Yoga for Depression – Your Best Buddy to Beat Depression Blues

 There comes a time in your life when even the thought of getting up from the bed requires all the strength. You feel hopeless and empty on a mental and psychological level, not to forget find it harder to go through each day. Practicing yoga for depression offers you a host of benefits that helps you get out of depression without the use of any medications or drugs.

Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions around the world. It is the brain's reaction to something traumatic or sad. When similar feelings aggravate over a period of time without a solution then it leads to depression.

Let us understand a bit more in-depth about what exactly comprises of depression. First let us know the different symptoms of this medical condition.

The Symptoms

  1. Feelings of worthlessness and guilt

  2. Activities and hobbies you found feeling no more excite you

  3. Constant thoughts of suicide and death

  4. Significant weight gain or loss

  5. Increase in indecisiveness and loss of concentration over time

  6. Feeling unstable and fidgety without any reason

Now, before we dive into how different yoga for depression poses are something you should inculcate in regular life let us first understand as to what causes depression in the first place.

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The Cause

If you are emotionally attached to something or someone and the thing no longer exists, it leaves an emotional void that can take the form of depression to help you cope with the loss. Genetic fluctuations at the hormonal levels, few medical conditions, and even post-surgery reaction can lead to depression.

Under normal conditions, you would need to consult a medical professional to tackle the issue before it gets out of hand. Practicing yoga for depression helps you handle the issue from the root.

How Yoga for Depression Helps

Yoga offers the best exercise regimen to lighten the mood and keep symptoms of depression away. It increases blood circulation to the brain and activate the production of mood-elevating hormones. Practicing yoga for depression does not leads to any side effects and that makes it the best option in comparison to medications for this mental condition.

Now let us understand a bit about the different yoga poses to fight depression.

1. Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana calms down the mind and helps relieve stress and depression. It stretches the lower back and hips that helps the body relax. You experience peace and calm over entire being and this helps fight depression.

Guidelines to Performing Balasana

  1. Firstly, kneel and sit on your heels.

  2. Make sure the big toes touch each other.

  3. Keep both hands on knees and spread both knees hip-width apart.

  4. Bend your torso forward in-between the divided thighs with the face touching the ground.

  5. Bring both arms forward and place them on either side of the head with palms facing down.

  6. Remain in the position for two minutes and then relax.

2. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)

The Upward-Facing Dog Pose helps fight mild fatigue and depression. It has a rejuvenating effect on the body and helps release the stress trapped in your back. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is a highly effective yoga for depression pose you can inculcate in regular yogic practice.

Guidelines to Performing Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

  1. Lie down on the floor with the face down and legs following the same direction. You also need to keep the toes downward facing and some inches apart.

  2. Place both palms near the chest on either side and facing down. Keep the arms close to the ribs.

  3. Lift your torso and straighten both arms and legs a few inches off the floor.

  4. Press the top part of the feet firmly into the ground.

  5. Keep your head straight or facing upwards with the shoulders away from the ears.

  6. Let your chest rise.

3. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose)

The Uttanasana helps you relieve tension in neck, shoulder, and back which improves the functioning of nervous system. It helps you remain calm and minimize anxiety. Uttanasana also helps improve blood circulation.

Read More - The Comprehensive Guide on Yoga for Anxiety and Stress

Guidelines to Practicing Uttanasana

  1. Stand straight with arms by the side of the body and feet at arm's length.

  2. Place your arms on your hips and bend forward at the hips.

  3. Make both head and chest touch the thighs.

  4. Bring both the hands down and put them beside your feet or hold the ankles from behind.

  5. Make sure to keep both thighs straight while doing the exercise.

The Conclusion

Depression is a major health issue affecting millions of individuals from around the world. With regular practice of yoga for depression you regain control of thought pattern and mood swings. Yoga helps you get to the core of the problem without the use of medications.


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