Yoga for Back Pain – The Secret to a Flexible Spine

Yoga for Back Pain

Do you know the safest form of exercise? It is none other than Yoga for back pain as it offers a holistic way to free yourself from unnecessary stress and anxiety. Yoga offers some major benefits when it comes to dealing with back pain and keeping the spine healthy. There is a lot more to yoga practices than just helping you gain more flexibility and develop good breathing techniques.

Yoga is not about bending and forcing the body into uncomfortable positions but more about following the proper alignment along with good posture. You might become more flexible but that is possible only when you have a  healthy spine. Yoga poses can be practiced while standing, sitting, or simply lying down.

With regards to yoga for back pain, there are specific postures you can practice to keep the spine flexible and healthy in the long run. Let us find out what these are and how you can practice each.

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Three Best Yoga for Back Pain Poses

Yoga has some of the best poses to help you keep the spine healthy and functional in the long run. It depends on how many times you do them in a day that affect how your spine remains functional in the long run.

Let us now understand the three major yoga for back pain postures you should practice to prevent any back injuries.

1. Cat / Cow Stretch

1) Start on all fours with both hands and knees. Your arms and hands have to be shoulder-length apart and knees hip-width apart.

2) Inhale, and when you exhale slowly pull in the navel towards the spine and tuck in the tailbone.

3) As you inhale the second time, repeat the process above. Make sure to coordinate the breath with this movement.

4) For best results, repeat this pose at least 5 to 10 times in a day.

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2. The Bridge Pose

1) Start this pose by lying on your back with feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Keep both feet hip-width apart.

2) Keep both arms straight and by the side of your body with palms on the ground. Start by lifting your hips off the floor and hold the position for 3 seconds.

3) Slowly roll back to the lying down position.

4) To keep the spine healthy, make sure you practice this pose at least three times in a day.

The bridge yoga for back pain pose is an effective exercise to increase the flexibility of the spine in the long run.

3. Opposite Hands and Knees Balance Pose

1) Start the pose on your hands and knees. Raise the right arm without moving anything and do the same with the left leg but extend it to as high as your hips. The hips, right arm, and left leg have to stay parallel to the floor.

2) Make sure the right hand is facing the floor and toes of the left foot are facing the floor. Stay in this position for 3 breaths and then relax.

3) Now, repeat the same process using the left arm and right leg.

For the best results make sure you practice the Opposite Hands and Knees Balance pose three times in a day.

The Conclusion

Back pain is a major health issue that can become life-threatening if left ignored for longer time. The yoga for back pain helps you keep the spinal cord relaxed and flexible without including any practicing complex movements or additional medications.


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